1. Focus

Here you will find only products that meet minimum federal guidelines. We have gathered and consolidated product information from across the several industries, saving users hundreds of hours per project.
Currently this platform has product data coming from the following sources:

Product Data is updated regularly and each dataset within the platform provides a data stamp when you hover over the attribute. All products are aligned with the Federal Procurement Guidelines as captured in the Green Procurement Compilation. You can search by category and subcategory as well as brand name and performance. 

2. Map
We gather and continuously update product data and match it to procurement requirements, so that you don’t need to keep up with the ever changing landscape of data requirements.

3. Calculate
We automate the impact calculations for Energy and Water savings for a wide variety of products categories. See Product ROI Analysis in Help for more information.

4. Report
We consolidate all product data, mapping and impact calculations into a single easy to utilize report that can validate procurement and project selections to streamline a process that can take hundreds of hours into minutes.

5. Analyze
You can run procurement and project selections through a wide variety of analyses quickly and effectively.

6. Procure
Millions of product decisions are being made each day in the built environment. Many of those decisions are not data driven. This platform is designed and built to make Green Procurement easy.